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  • Writer's pictureJosh Karey

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2021!

Hello all happy 2021. I hope this year serves you all a

little better than the last. As always, we all start the new year off with aspirations of all sorts. After the past year we had, I hope each of and every one of you look at 2021 as a challenge and tackle whatever goals you have set out

to accomplish.


I will be out of the office Jan 11th and 12th

is all for this month. Other than those two dates its business as usual.

What’s New in 2021 at Hands Made for Healing

Well not a whole lot really ha. Given the fact that I will

have a new little addition joining my family in Feb/March I am not planning a lot of new continuing education trips as of now. I will be attempting some online learning courses just to keep my self sharp!

I am going to attempt to ramp up my blog production on my website, You are welcome to subscribe or just check in from time to time and see what I’m writing about. I have always had a passion

for writing more so than being on camera. I will cover a whole host of topics so stay tuned there!


The holidays can wreak havoc on us all especially and more to the point our GI system. There are usually a ton of sugary foods laying around for weeks on end it feels like. I am human as well and ate my fair share of bad

things. Boy could I feel it. Sugar does some pretty damaging things to us at all levels, but in the GI it causes inflammation and distress. Not to mention feeding the bad bacteria that live inside us and drowning out the good bacteria. What’s my go to fight back supplements?

Digestive Complete Digestive Enzymes coupled with HCL for optimal digestion in the stomach

Dynamic Inflameze helps reduce inflammation levels in the body

Dynamic GI Restore restores yours GI to a healthy state by helping reduce Inflammation and feed the good Gut Bacteria

Remember all Supplements are 25% off when you make an account at

That is all for now. Stay tuned for a great year. If we made

it through 2020 than there is not much else we can’t handle.

This letter is sponsored by The Iron Chapel. The best place for 1 on 1 personal training, group fitness and online programing for all ages!

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